So I know part of owning a restaurant is working when you don’t really feel like it. However, me working on Mothers Day was just wrong….really wrong. At least that’s how I started out the morning feeling. Once the crowds started showing up I realized how easy doing a buffet really is….like super easy. No customized orders….no special requests….just lots of good food to choose from. It seemed everyone was pretty happy…like someone had sprinkled pixie dust over the whole dining room. All the moms were treated so nicely and the families did a great job of getting their second and third trip taken care of! I’ve said it before, but its always worth repeating…Mac’s Place has the best customers EVER! The buffet ended at 12 noon and the clean-up started. We were sitting on our sofa by 3:30 that day and Keith made me my favorite meal….crab cakes! They were so tasty and crabby….I may have eaten 3. Rumor has it that I don’t have to work next Mothers Day!!!!